Mizoram special cuisine

Laksa stock(one type of fish recipe)

  • 600 gm Flaked (ikan kembong) (grilled macrele fish)
  • 1 cup of tamarind pulp
  • 3-4 stalks Daun kesum (polygonum) (A type of herb)
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • 4 liters of water 
  • For garnishing (shredded cucumber, lettuce, pineapple, big onion slices and green chilies)
  • Few mint leaves
Spice Paste:
  • 30 fresh shallots
  • 1 teaspoon belacan granules (prawn paste)
  • 2 stalks Lemon grass
  • 10 dried chilies
  • 10 fresh chilies
  • 1.5 cm Lengkuas or ginger (a type of herb, like ginger)
  • 0.5 cm piece fresh turmeric
  1. Mix water with tamarind pulp and strain.
  2. Bring tamarind water to boil.
  3. Put in spices paste and daun kesom.
  4. Add salt and sugar to taste and simmer for 20 min. 
  5. Put in flaked fish, stir well and remove from fire.
  6. Add a few mint leaves and sprinkle some finely chopped ginger and add a tablespoon of shrimp paste (har koe).
  7. Serve the stock with laksa noodles and garnish with shredded cucumber, lettuce, pineapple, big onions and chilies.


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